Sem Hasheela Agricultural Campus

Physical Address: Elakalapwa - Ongenga - Ohangwena Region.

Elakalapwa is a village in Ongenga constituency of Ohangwena region. It is located at the periphery of the Namibia – Angola borders on the north eastern part of Ongenga Settlement, about 6 KMs from the Omafo – Okalongo main road. It is home to battlegrounds of the liberation struggle and has bred PLAN combatants. The area has been heavily affected by the border war activities, where most of the infrastructure such as schools and homesteads has been destroyed as a result. After independence, the community has been neglected of basic services such as schools, health facilities and other basic amenities. The communities mostly rely of seasonal communal farming by cultivating their Mahangu fields to produce for their families.  The major economic activities on the Elakalapwa  inhabitants are seasonal Agriculture..  

The designated area is viably sufficient to provide the agricultural training to willing hearts. With the land donated by the local community for development, with the total area of 3.2 hectares, with power and water installations already being complete, is sufficient and suitable enough to undertake the envisaged agricultural training activities. The institution will further direct its focus to value addition by introducing and encouraging food processing methods both modern and traditional. 

The skills training programs are aimed at equipping local aspiring small-scale farmers with the hands-on technical skills in farming with agricultural produce, using the resources at their disposal to develop food self-sustainability and self-reliance, gradually participate in the main stream economy and contribute to the development of the agricultural sector. This is to be done with specific focus on Crops, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry trainings.

The institution currently provides hands on intensive practical training to young and old individuals on Agriculture Farming for a period of 3 months. This training involves a 1-month theoretical based training, as well as entrepreneurship, and the 2 months practical training. 


Apiculture Training & Production

Rabits Farming

Horticulture & Crops Husbandry

Poultry Farming

Mushroom Farming

Short Course

Pigs Farming

Short Course

Food Processing and Value Addition

Short Course